Monday, March 05, 2007

The Bourgeois and the Samurai

Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) is an Indian nationalist and a yogi. He participated in the Indian freedom movement during the early part of 1900s and later on developed a spiritual path called "Integral yoga". His life is very amusing. His father was very impressed by the European way of living and wanted Aurobindo to be a complete European without any traces of Indianness. So Aurobindo was taken to Europe at a very young age and was brought up with European education and lifestyle. But after he returned to India in 1893 he was completely transformed. He became a nationlist and participated in the freedom movement. He turned to spirituality and become a yogi. He was also a great poet.

Recently I happened to read an essay by him titled The Bourgeois and the Samurai. Its a lengthy but nice essay which talks about the weakening of the spirit of Indians under the rule of British through the creation of an environment that rewards such weakness. It describes the creation of a class of people who valued security, stability and ease in life, even if it meant to be weak and subjugated, over liberty and individuality which require strength and courage and are strenuous. And he calls upon all Indians to shed such weakness. I recommend everyone to read it.


Unknown said...

I advice you to read and publish THE GREAT EPIC SAVITRI by ARAVIND GHOSE.

Ujjwal said...

Anurup keep posting such stuff. Even if I do not read it at the spur of the moment, I would like to come back and read it for more enrichment.

Also, post links to the article Dr. Pavuluri mentioned if you can!

Good job.

Prabhod said...

"It is the spirit in man which moulds his fate it is the spirit of a nation which determines its history" - that I think this is the most important statement throughout the whole essay. Anurup do you agree, If yes why, If no Why. I will give you my opinion after yours.